Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My day, in pictures.

First things first. The covers on the kitchen chairs were awful. They were originally an old vinyl tablecloth from Kmart of all places. So, since they were torn to shreds and the soon-to-be husband and I spent the morning scrubbing down the kitchen, I ventured to Hobby Lobby for some replacement vinyl. Uh-oh. Just ask the STBH. I found some a great brown and white print and clear vinyl. It's so much better to do it that way than to limit yourself to the whole five prints otherwise available. So I went home, unscrewed the chair seats, cut both layers, and broke out the staple gun (thanks for letting me borrow that Dad, again!) and worked out all that pent up anger! Here is the finished result, I love it

I set up my fab new spice rack, though it's still empty. Shh, don't tell anyone. I have to wait till I make the trip to Michaels and uy Martha's spice jar labels, or I won't know which is which. I threw in a few pictures of the kitchen window, which was one of my first mistreatments (ala the Nester) . It was once my favorite sundresses (I will have to hunt down a picture of me in the dress when it fit something other than the window). I cut off the top, added a few tacks, and there ya go! 

Comming soon: Mistreated pillows and curtains oh my!

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